Saidu Kanu Honored in Freetown
Country Director for World Hope International Sierra Leone, Saidu Kanu, was honoured as one of the 100 Most Outstanding Sierra Leoneans at the 2020 Sierra Ovation Awards Ceremony in Freetown on earlier this month.
“This is in recognition of your contribution to socio-economic growth and human development in Sierra Leone,” the citation reads. It was awarded to Saidu in recognition of his outstanding work as Country Director of World Hope International Sierra Leone and his work as President of the Rotary Club of Freetown, a role he stepped into in June 2020.
World Hope is enormously fortunate to have Saidu Kanu lead our country office. Under his leadership, we have grown our programs to support national coverage for our WASH, Gender, Anti-trafficking, Education, Emergency Response, and Social Enterprise development in Sierra Leone.
World Hope International is deeply grateful for Saidu’s years of service, his commitment to helping others, and his excellent leadrship, and our global World Hope family joins his staff in offering a hearty congratulations – well desserved!

Check out some of the projects in Sierra Leone, including our Recovery Centre, the soap project, a newly launched Radio Station, and our Enable the Children physiotherapy program.
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