
The lives of people are the greatest possible investment

Making a Cross-Sector Impact

Countering Human Trafficking & Gender-Based Violence

Access to Education

Youth Empowerment

Civil Society & Governance

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Protection is at the heart of humanitarian assistance

Protection in humanitarian and development contexts is about ensuring safety and wellbeing and encompasses respect for human rights. In a crisis or emergency, those who are most likely to have their rights violated are the most vulnerable and marginalised, often women, children, older persons, and those with disabilities. Protection is about empowering equitable access to services and opportunities. Protection principles value human dignity, encourage participation, and promote non-bias and inclusion in programming. We work to address issues that violate basic human rights, including human trafficking, gender-based violence, and lack of access to education through our innovative and multi-dimensional projects that promote access, prevent trafficking and violence, and address root causes.

HILOM: Self-Care Training

Self-care is vital for our overall well-being as care providers to OSAEC survivors. This workshop focused on providing the knowledge and skills to help you develop a self-care plan. Learn how WHI’s self-care activities can help you cope with stress and improve your mental, emotional, and physical health!

Empowering Youth on OSAEC Awareness

WHI believes that young leaders in the community can help minimize the prevalence of OSEC. Read about the OSAEC Awareness youth training we held last month.

Promoting Survivor Support

With thankfulness on our minds this month, we want to show our appreciation for those working to end SGBV in Cambodia by sharing Akara’s story.

people have been trained in TIP, child protection and human rights since 2009

people have been educated on human trafficking since 2009

children have participated in Early Childhood Development (ECD) activities since 2016