Changing Lives on a Global Scale: Why World Hope International is Acumatica’s 2018 Non-Profit of the Year
Giving a hand up (not a hand out) to those suffering from poverty is a foundational value for World Hope International. Their global efforts to “empower, protect, and build resiliency” are supported by Acumatica’s cloud ERP solution, and the global relief and development organization’s efforts have earned them Acumatica’s 2018 Non-Profit of the Year award.
Who says cloud ERP software can’t change the world? Not World Hope International. As a non-profit organization,
World Hope International’s powerful impact
World Hope International (WHI) is a Christian relief and development organization established in 1996 by Jo Anne Lyon. She set out to “empower the poorest of the poor around the world so they can become agents of change within their communities.” After 23 years, WHI is still going strong, providing vulnerable populations with the power to succeed through market-based and community-driven enterprise solutions and local and global partnerships.
Part of Jo Anne’s vision involved visiting parts of the world suffering from the effects of war, famine, and oppression, bringing with her “opportunity, dignity, and hope.” Because of her immense effort, people across the globe have received the resources and the skills they need to radically change their lives.
WHI empowers individuals—regardless of ethnicity, gender, race, or religion—to make their communities self-sustaining and safe. Specifically, they work to eradicate trafficking and gender-based violence (and offer programs that help victims heal), as well as aid communities through health and wellness programs, emergency relief, education, village partnerships, and child sponsorship. They also work to create access to clean water and sanitation, and the story of Loa, a young woman from Kompong Cham, Cambodia, is a perfect example of how WHI’s provision of clean water profoundly changed a life.
Loa, with her husband and two children, grew mung beans and sesame. When the market for their crops crashed, they lost everything. Desperately needing a way to provide for her children, Loa learned of a new mushroom-growing program in their village. The only problem was that growing mushrooms required a lot of water, and she only had access to dirty water far away—that is, until WHI worked with the village to drill a well for clean water right in the village. With the clean water, Loa was able to grow mushrooms successfully.
“It is my greatest joy to be able to provide for my family and offer a future for my children. I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to get where I am now without access to clean water,” she said.
WHI’s ability to help people like Loa and her family is directly tied to their ability to get grants from such organizations as USAID or UKaid. Competition for these grants is high and the vetting process is intense. Accounting systems, policies, and internal controls are scrutinized to ensure that funds are spent correctly.
With disconnected accounting systems around the world, WHI needed an integrated, cloud-based financial management software to aid them in getting their much-needed funding. They investigated various financial management systems before choosing Acumatica cloud ERP and Acumatica’s Financial Management edition… >> Read the full story
This blog was written by Kim Plank and is cross-posted from Acumatica.

World Hope International is committed to sound stewardship and using your gift to deliver the most effective, sustainable solutions for alleviating poverty, suffering, and injustice. In 2017, 92% of funds contributed were used for program expenses. In order to use our resources in the most efficient manner possible, we may deem it necessary to redirect your contribution to the greatest need or our general purposes.