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  7. Allieu Samuel Bangura

Allieu Samuel Bangura

Director of Health and Nutrition Program
Location: Sierra Leone/Freetown

Allieu is a public health expert with more than 20 years of experience in public and community health solutions. At World Hope, Allieu directs the organization’s Health and Nutrition Program strategy and activities. Prior to World Hope, Allieu was Health, Nutrition and WASH Advisor with World Vision in Sierra Leone for seven years. Prior to this, Allieu worked as a senior manager for International Rescue Committee and Concern Worldwide. Allieu also worked as a Pediatric Clinician and as a Clinical Officer for the Ministry of Health and Sanitation in Sierra Leone. Allieu holds a degree from the Paramedical School of the University of Njala; a post-graduate certificate in Tropical Community Medicine and Health and a degree in Community Medicine and Health from the College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences in Sierra Leone; and a certificate in Public Health from Staffordshire University in the UK. Allieu is an MBA candidate with Robert Kennedy College for a graduate degree in Healthcare Management.